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The African International Magazine November- December edition – article feature of- Festive Season Celebrations, Unity, and Environmental Impact

By Jemimah Chungu

The festive season, centered around Christmas and New Year, is a global holiday that transcends religious and cultural boundaries. While the joyous celebrations have become a familiar annual occurrence, the global reach of this festive period holds a deeper historical significance that often escapes widespread understanding.

The Global Tapestry of Festivities

The African International Magazine November- December edition – article feature of- Festive Season Celebrations, Unity, and Environmental Impact

Often confined to the realms of Christmas trees, festive lights, and gift-giving, the roots of the global festive season delve into an intriguing historical tapestry. Originating from the amalgamation of ancient Babylonian traditions and Roman political maneuvering, the celebration of Christmas on December 25th became a tool for unity and peace in a diverse world.

Unwrapping the Layers: Christmas Trees and Symbolism

Delving into the symbolism of traditions like the Christmas tree reveals a fascinating narrative. The evergreen tree, said to have sprouted from a dead tree stump in an old Babylonish fable, symbolized the rebirth of Nimrod in the form of Tammuz. This fusion of cultural and religious elements, while layered with historical complexities, has managed to create a global celebration that traverses continents.

Social Ambiance: Joy and Strife

The festive season, on a global scale, ushers in a social ambiance marked by joy, family gatherings, and spiritual reflection. However, like any grand celebration, it is not without its darker shades. Immorality and strife often rear their heads as differing preferences clash, leading to verbal, physical, and even sexual abuse. The pursuit of celebration sometimes takes a toll on social responsibilities.

Economic Flourish: A Season of Commerce

From bustling marketplaces to online shopping sprees, the festive season is an economic boon. Businesses worldwide seize the opportunity, offering a plethora of products and services. The food industry, tourism, fashion, and various other sectors experience a surge in demand, fostering economic growth and providing diverse choices for consumers.

The Physical Toll: Environmental Disparities

While the festive season contributes to economic prosperity, it is not without environmental consequences. The demand for goods and services often results in environmental injustice and degradation. From the production and disposal of goods to the generation of domestic and food waste, the physical environment bears the brunt of festive fervor.

The Political Lens: Balancing Act

In the political arena, accountability reigns supreme. The festive season’s impact on the economic, social, and physical environment demands a careful balancing act. Policies and regulations play a crucial role in ensuring that celebrations do not compromise long-term environmental sustainability.

Unveiling Unity Amid Disparities

The festive season, born from a historical blend of traditions, has successfully woven a global celebration that transcends cultural and religious boundaries. However, its impact on the social, economic, physical, and political realms unveils a tapestry of both unity and disparities.

 As the world embraces the festivities, the responsibility to uphold the spirit of the only truly global festival lies in our collective hands.

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